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Protect Your Leather Sofa With a Leather Sofa Cover

If you’re looking to protect your leather sofa from scuffs and scratches, you should invest in a leather sofa cover. They are available in a variety of styles, colors and textures that are compatible with your existing decor and furniture, and most of them are easy to put on and remove. Some even have straps or grips to prevent them from sliding around the furniture. To find the best one, look for a model that is thick enough to keep your leather from being damaged by spills and general abrasions.

If your sofa is not in the best shape, you might want to consider a sofa protector that has a slipcover design that fits it more snugly. The most suitable covers should have a smooth texture that balances function with comfort. The fabric should also have a soft, worn-in feel and be resistant to stains and other marks. If your sofa is often covered with children and pets, you might want a thicker cover that can withstand spills and other marks.

Several manufacturers offer a range of sofa cover models to match your home interior style. For example, the set of Velvet couch covers has four pieces that are designed to fit a sectional sofa with separated cushions. Their polyester and spandex material is soft with a jacquard pattern that adds texture, and they are available in 17 colors ranging from natural muted tones to bolder hues.

While this cover is ideal for leather sofas, it’s not suitable for pet owners as it won’t stop fur from sticking to the plush fabric. This cover is machine washable in a cold cycle and can be ironed as needed.

To make sure you get the right size of couch cover for your sofa, take measurements before you purchase it. Then, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation. If you’re unsure whether the cover will fit, make a mock up with cheap muslin or butcher paper to see how it hugs the general shape of your sofa. If you don’t have a piece of muslin or paper to test the cover, drape a small section of the fabric over the sofa, with the wrong side facing down. Then, trace over the outline of the sofa with chalk to create a pattern for cutting out the sofa cover. Once you’ve cut out the cover, carefully place it over your leather sofa and tuck it in.